NOVEMBER 2019 / APRIL 2020
Director: Dra. Arq. Rita Laura Molinos
Editor: Dra. María Ledesma
Coeditor: DG. Miguel A. Santángelo
Associate editor: Dr. Daniel Kozak, Dr. Diego Ríos & Dr. Fernando Williams
Technical editor: DG. Emiliano M. Eseiza
© The contents and metadata of this magazine are licensed under Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 AR
DNDA registration of the digital edition in process

Introduction Dossier “Urban Water. Confluences in the study, design and management of fluvial territories”
Fernando Williams, Daniel Kozak y Diego Ríos
Bubbles and networks. Two models for the constitution of spaces in fluvial literary aesthetics
Jörg Dünne
This contribution starts with confronting two abstract literary models for the constitution of spatiality through linguistic enunciation in the poetic text, which are the ambiental, based on a spatial relation of proximity between a speaking subject and its environment, and the network model between distant actors without a central element as a first-person speaker. In the second part, the two opposed and complementary models are put to the test in the analysis of two poems by the two contemporary Argentine authors Alicia Genovese and Sergio Raimondi; in both texts, the fluvial landscape is key in configuring topographically concrete versions of the respective models.
The management of the river territory in the Santa Fe-Paraná corridor. The relation between city and water in the framework of development policies
Cecilia Parera y Camila Costa
The article deals with a set of public works promoted by the Argentine Government in the river territory of the Santa Fe-Paraná corridor between the 1960s and 1970s, understanding it as illustrative of the development intervention paradigm over the natural area. From a historical perspective, the increasing artificialization of the natural environment generated by pieces of transportation infrastructure and equipment that were built in the area is investigated, while seeking to account for the particular way in which the relationship society/nature was conceived around those years. Recent approaches that have raised a critical look at this link will also
be considered.
Systematization of La Cañada stream in the city of Córdoba (1942–1948). Works, ideas, meanings
Martín Fusco
Almost inexistent in the first city layout, La Cañada stream has been definitely integrated into the urban structure of Córdoba and the forms of its landscape over time, and it has become, at the same time, a physical and symbolic boundary. The watercourse Systematization Project, carried out between 1942 and 1948, and envisioned by the state as a strategy to modernize the city’s infrastructure, drastically transformed the stream, giving it a new hierarchy.
This article is presented as a detailed analysis of the above-mentioned urban work. It considers the relationship between the different elements that make up the materialized project and the modernization of the province government and its expressions in the physical dimension of the city; the disciplinary knowledge that circulates in the professional field within the official technical offices; and the transformation into the symbolic component of the modest urban river of the landlocked capital.
River restoration as an urban design strategy. A dialogue between research and design. Andalién river contest, Concepción, Chile
Paulina Espinosa, Bruno De Meulder y Alfredo Ollero
Unlike other cities in Chile, the historical development of Concepción did not completely transform the río Andalién. There remain active natural riverine structures. In contemporary urbanization, it is possible to re-envision the city by keeping these structures alive. This is a relevant issue considering the majority of the new urbanization is planned within the basin of this river. This study critically analyses the results of a design exercise conducted through an international design competition, the call for which was developed as a dialogue between academia and practitioners who together elaborated around multi-scalar and open-ended design questions. Competition participants designed scenarios from the basin to the urban tissue and developed a series of conceptualizations and possibilities for the urban future of the city while restoring the river. It was intended that the scenarios would go beyond either an “ecological crusade” or landscape beautification and structure urbanism based upon the functioning natural of the river. The urban design strategy proposals raise timely and necessary points for discussion when it is still possible to activate natural systems in relation to city-building while channelization seems to be the only possible solution.
Planning challenges in emerging metropolitan deltas. An adaptive and participatory method for the Lower Paraná Delta
Verónica Mercedes Esther Zagare
This article is focused on the double complexity that takes place in emerging metropolitan deltas due to the coexistence of natural dynamics and urban processes, in a context of uncertainty regarding climate change and economic development. Within this scope, traditional planning turns ineffective to address current and future issues in a flexible and participatory way. In order to develop efficient planning methods and strategies, it is necessary to understand the structure and processes that define these systems. For that purpose, in this article the concept of emerging metropolitan deltas will be presented, deepening the understanding of these areas as complex adaptive systems. Then, the challenges of planning will be addressed by analysing the case of the Paraná Delta and presenting an adaptive and participatory planning method for the area.
The miamización of the tigre delta. De-reterritorialization process of neoliberal urbanism in the islands
Sofía Astelarra
This work addresses the recent process of territorial reconfiguration of the First Section of the Paraná Delta Islands, Tigre municipality. Historically it has been associated with the images of islanders in canoes full of wicker baskets with fruits and vegetables that came to the Puerto de Frutos to sell them, along with the river and the sport of rowing. Slowly the image of the new Miami begins to be seen.
From the practical theoretical field of Latin American political ecology and critical geography, we will go through the process of territorial reconfiguration in the First Section of the Tigre Delta Islands. Specifically the de-reterritorialization of neoliberal urbanism in the insular territory under the modality of closed urbanizations, nautical districts or countries gated community.
Enviromental conflicts in the digital public space. Demands concerning streams and natural reserves in the south of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires
Margarita Gutman, Javier Nesprias y Ximena Carla Puppo
This article presents an analysis of a set of demands for environmental conflicts related to five large administrative units that are part of the Matanza-Riachuelo and Río de la Plata river basin. It identifies and analyses videos, articles and posts uploaded by civil society between 2000 and 2015 in a selection of platforms of the digital public space. This work is based on the assumption that in the Web 2.0 is possible to identify, systematize, and analyze according to homogeneous criteria, demands and proposals produced or uploaded by community organizations and individuals reporting conditions of vulnerability, poverty, and segregation, in spite of the digital divide.
Special attention is given to environmental conflicts because they constitute strong evidence of the existence of problems of urban inequality. Those ideas and voices of the civil society which we identify in the digital public space are often overlooked by public officials and professionals when thinking and planning the city.
Law as climate change adaptation instrument. Review of sentences related to disasters due to urban flooding
Claudia Eleonor Natenzon y Aurora Besalú Parkinson
Some advances of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) interdisciplinary project on “Law as an instrument of adaptation to climate change” are presented here. The exercise of the right is reviewed through the analysis of sentences related to emergent conflicts due to catastrophic urban flooding, intensified as a result of climate change, as it shows a significant sample of the concrete application of the normative, their diversity and their ambiguities. These results are analysed in the framework of a theory of risk, its link with the institutional framing that the Law poses, and its ability to reduce or amplify the negative effects of urban floods.
General researh topics
Citizen participation in the construction of land management plans. Samborondón case
Luis Alfonso Saltos Espinosa y María Daniela Hidalgo Molina
The constitution of Ecuador of 2008, integrates the Right to the City in Article 31, establishes that people have the right to access and participate in the public space as an area of cultural exchange, social cohesion, and promotion of equality and diversity. The Right to the City is developed in the Land Use and Land Management Law, is a tool for guiding the right of land use planning and land management. The Right to the City is part of the national legal framework but its application, especially at the local level, is deficient. The hypothesis of this research is that several sectors and organizations were excluded or ignored in the construction of the Development Plan for Land Use, the Decentralized Autonomous Government, has to review other mechanisms to implement active citizen participation in the process. For this study the researchers conducted surveys to young people who live and or study in the canton of Samborondón; the answers of the survey show the veracity of the hypothesis, this causes the loss of the right to the city guaranteed in the Constitution of Ecuador. Undoubtedly, the new ideas of change, the involvement of young people, and the academy are indispensable for the generation of urban proposals and therefore the construction of the new Development Plan for Land Use.
Social practices in the planning and design of public green spaces
Gabriela Campari, Leandro Dalle, Gabriela Giacoia y Alberto Olveira Rial
The decentralized communal management of green areas is an opportunity to produce quality everyday landscapes. The objective of this article is to explore social practices in three public green areas of different types in the Parque Patricios neighborhood in Comuna 4, in order to identify the trends of use that their inhabitants develop in these neighborhood spaces and to provide them as an element to consider by the Communes for the formulation of public policies oriented to plan and design with social participation these areas of proximity.
Stella E. Genovese y las “Constructoras de Obra”. Una lucha por la igualdad de género en la historia de la arquitectura argentina (1930-1960)
Francisco Girelli
Stella E. Genovese was an architect, painter, draftswoman, interior decorator and essayist. She was the first female historian of architecture in Argentina and, most importantly, an activist for the inclusion of women on the construction site, this being seen at the time as the main limitation of women in architecture. She was granted numerous awards and exhibited her works in different events related to architecture, urbanism and decoration. She was part of the governing board of the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos, she gave courses, published many works and yet remained unknown to the official historiography of Argentinean architecture. She is not mentioned in any article, book or work. It is suggested as a hypothesis that she, as well as many other women working well into the second half of the 20th century, were overshadowed by Filandia Pizzul, first UBA architecture graduate, turned by history into a “positive exception”. The following work considers several unpublished primary sources to add to Stella E. Genovese’s biography, including her works and her activity as an architect between 1931 and the 1960s.
Incidencia de la espiritualidad franciscana en la evolución urbana de la Real Audiencia de Charcas
Josefina Leonor Matas Musso
The arrival of the religious orders to the Real Audiencia of Charcas had undoubted influence on the evolution of urbanism, generating different location patterns than the European ones, contributing to understand the complexity shades of contemporary urban layouts.
Four cases corresponding to the Franciscan Order are studied in this article and an attempt is made to demonstrate how they influence in the urban evolution of the rising colonial cities. Due to the characteristics of their spirituality, the Franciscans seek to be located close to the region’s inhabitants, as a hinge between the areas of the Spaniards and the natives. At the initial stage and over the time, the studied groups function like organizers of the physical and social space and they influence on the organization of the urban landscape, acting as “long-term” elements, according to the categories of Fernand Braudel (1949).
Convergencias epistemológicas en la enseñanza del diseño. Lectura en clave proyectual de G. Bachelard, H. Gadamer y A. M. Bach
Cecilia Mazzeo
The teaching of project disciplines has long been the subject of research. While these researches have dealt with different dimensions of the latter´s teaching and learning processes, perhaps because it is the most difficult for its understanding, it remains uninvestigated with the necessary depth. Researcher’s concern has generally focused on teaching strategies, learning assessment modes, the conditions in which teaching takes place and the particularities of teachers, but little research has been done about students learn.
Estar en el mundo 4.0. El gesto del fotógrafo como una experiencia de las cuatro dimensiones del Lebenswelt
Norval Baitello Junior y Roberta Dabdab
This article contextualizes and presents an educational approach for the production of knowledge, autonomy and cultural patterns in small social groups underprivileged, facing the challenges demanded by the paradigm of a society that is increasingly amalgamating with advanced technology and consequent social exclusion. Through the dialogue between Vilém Flusser’s “Escalation of Abstraction” (Treppe der Abstraktion) and Dietmar Kamper’s “KörperDenken”, we come up the concept of Being in the World 4.0, a proposal to restore and recover the world of life in its four dimensions.
El Centro Cívico y la imagen de la comunidad futura. Relecturas de las ideas del urban design en Bariloche, Argentina
Paula Florez Quintero y Alejandra Monti
The article reconstructs the links between currents of thought in urban planning in an international scale and its applications and interpretations in a local level from a re-reading of the proposal of Jorge Enrique Hardoy and his team for the projection of a civic center in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, in the framework of the commission of the Physical Plan for the city. We argue that it is from making visible certain routes of circulation of ideas that it is possible to draw the theoretical-project reference frameworks of the design team, identifying the crossings between academic activity and project practice. The bibliography of the courses of Planning dictated by Hardoy in Rosario operates as a lighthouse to illuminate the selection of conceptual references, identifying in the use of concepts and strategies of Josep Lluís Sert, Jacqueline Tyrwhitt y Frederick Gibberd a new interpretation that redefines the bases of application of urban design in local scene.
Arquitectura y cultura en Latinoamérica. Experiencias en archipiélago
Luis del Valle y Laura Bonasorte
The contemporary scene interpellate us with the need to rethink a set of categories or concepts found within architecture and project. Concepts such as place, technology, of forms and languages, of modes and rituals of inhabit or the dialectics, tensions and aporias between terms such as tradition, innovation, interference, translation or circulation, among many others, they require to be reviewed under a new epistemology of the project. Project and architecture which cannot secede from a cultural concept. And in this vision, the particular, multiple, heterogeneous, debated between the critical action, suggestion or homogenization which among other things come through the Latin American and the contemporary.
Study of urban expansion, population growth, energy consumptions and vegetation indices in the Metropolitan Area of Mendoza
Gladys Edith Molina, Mariela Edith Arboit, Dora Silvia Maglione, Ana María Sedevich y Guglielmina Mutani
The extensive growth is critical for human sustainability itself in places of fragile ecosystems, such the case of Mendoza. This city with more than one million inhabitants, grows at the expense of a reduced oasis while it is necessary to renew the forms of territorial intervention of fragmented government efforts in six municipalities. The paper studies the relationships between urban expansion, population growth, energy consumption and vegetation indices in the Área Metropolitana de Mendoza (AMM). The results obtained indicate that the urbanized area has grown at a faster rate than the urban population, there being positive correlations with residential energy consumption and negative correlations of vegetation indices with all the variables analyzed.
Considering the results, it is necessary to establish guidelines to direct the growth of the metropolitan area towards balanced, sustainable, inclusive and socially equitable development. The article presents the main problems in its systemic dimension, in search of reasonable solutions.
Ideal ilegal, a periferia e a cidadania brasileira no olhar de James Holston
Lucia Antonela Mitidieri