MAY 2021 / OCTOBER 2021

Director: Dra. Arq. Rita Laura Molinos
Editor: Dra. María Ledesma
Coeditor: DG. Miguel A. Santángelo
Technical editor: DG. Emiliano M. Eseiza

© The contents and metadata of this magazine are licensed under Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 AR
DNDA registration of the digital edition in process


DossierGlobal urban processes. Towards a better world

Introduction DossierGlobal urban processes. Towards a better world
David Kullock y José Seguinot Barbosa


Participatory planning. Unveiling clues of rurbanization process
Fernando Néstor Murillo


The article presents clues on the transformation process in metropolitan areas where it is overlapped rural and urban activities creating new urban development patterns and life-styles. These rurbanization process are evident through participatory planning exercises celebrates in Latin-American metropolitan cities: Luján, in the edge of Buenos Aires; El Alto in La Paz and Soacha in Bogotá. With the pandemic, alternative development models harmonizing urban and rural activities based on principles of green economy and environmental sustainability encourage the design of territorial plans focus on regulatory frameworks seeking to overcome the rules of metropolization growth advancing on fertile rural areas on the rationale of maximizing land rentability. But although these models are promising, the article point out on the tough opposition of real estate developers reluctant to give up extraordinary profits associated to urbanizing rural land with exclusive gated communities confronted to institutional weakness of peripherical municipalities to impose urbanization rules prioritizing the social value of the property and environmental sustainability capturing land values to finance urban development on the rationale of reducing socio-territorial gaps.

New socio-territorial configurations in central metropolitan areas. The Economic Districts policy in the South of Buenos Aires city, Argentina
María Eugenia Goicoechea y María Soledad Arqueros Mejica


Focusing on the policy of the Economic Districts in Buenos Aires city, this paper addresses on the urban scope developed by public interventions that presume a vision of a more integrated, densified city, with a mix of social and uses. The Buenos Aires Districts socio-territorial transformations are analysed recognizing their inscription in the metropolitan centrality restructuring processes, degraded areas rehabilitation and the promotion of tertiary activities in the neoliberal globalization context. These transformations are also approached from the territory’s trajectory, where urban inequalities –inter and intra districts– constitute an emerging of the research and the structuring axis of this study.

Dead the city, long live the city. The crisis of contemporary urban thought
Artemio Pedro Abba


The global health tragedy that we have been going through since the end of 2019 has had an unprecedented impact on the affected population, and there is no doubt that it will leave an indelible aftermath in the post-pandemic. The magnitude of the impact is expected to be so resounding that there is no talk of returning to normality, but rather what may be the characteristics of the future new normal is being debated.
One of the dimensions of the discussion is the question of territory and human settlements and urbanization patterns were put under the eye: population densities, distribution of land uses and forms of mobility. Although great doubts were raised about the conformation of cities and tactical urban planning tools that are being applied in a variety of ways in the health contingency began to be tested, there are no doubts that we will have to talk about new paradigms in the matter of settlements. humans on the planet.
From the debate aimed at evaluating the magnitude of the erosion caused in the foundations on which the contemporary city has been built, developed throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, both in its internal structure and in the configuration of urban networks in the territory, future guidelines must be drawn to reduce its fragility in the face of this type of health disaster that may recur in the future.

New socio-territorial inequalities in the context of the generalised urban. First theoretical approaches
Santiago Pablo Petrocelli y Marisa Scardino


The process of urbanisation has not stopped for more than a century. Urban centres are growing, densifying and expanding until, in some cases, they form large metropolitan areas where the urban is becoming generalised. On the other hand, rural spaces are also being transformed at an incessant pace. This article aims to open up the debate on these issues and to share the first theoretical and methodological approaches that have emerged from reflection in the framework of an ongoing research project. In this direction, the theoretical approach is accompanied by the problematisation of the tools and methodologies commonly used and advances in the proposal of guidelines and methodological reflections for a situated approach to the current urbanisation process.

The large spaces of the discontinued metropolis. Pandemic, empty spaces and new urban forms
Javier Fedele y Leticia Leonhardt


The article investigates the spatial correlations between current urban characteristics and the emerging context of sanitary conditions. This is conducive to detecting the potential to think about the urban form of some practices and concepts that came out in the health emergency, although with connections to previous records. Concepts such as redundant infrastructure or buildings like theatre are measured with the programmatic intermittence typical of emergencies and the growing demands of the circular economy paradigms that seek environmental and social optimization of resources.

How to make city after urbanalization? The Collective of Architects in Defense of Public Lands and the Costa Salguero – Punta Carrasco case
Adriana Guevara


In 2020´s spring emerged the Collective of Architects in Defense of Public Lands (CDA for Spanish) of which I am a part. The CDA was the product of the spontaneous association of women architects and urbanists, with the purpose of making visible the intention of sale of the common heritage that it carries out from the Government of Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, in this case of sectors 4 and 5 of the new Young District, transforming itself into a space for research and action that functions as a generator of collective knowledge , compiling documentation to oppose the project with legal, technical, project, identity, historical and discursive data, in addition to supporting and circulating the information to those who request it. Eventually, the actions began to become activating, through specific and situated strategies, proposing new ways of thinking and making cities. The process that leads to the intention of selling these lands presents global and local characteristics, and is analyzed through critical and contemporary urban theories, which involve both the analysis of the discourses and the detection of the appropriation of the practices, discourses and representations of the project as validators of political practices. This paper aims to present the work of the collective, analyzing its emergence, the metropolitan context in which the actions to which the CDA opposes are carried out, and the strategies carried out to curb the sale of public lands.

Resilient urban management. Theoretical foundations for the Greater Resistance Metropolitan Area, Chaco, Argentina
Sandra Raquel Fogar


The critical perspective of knowledge and of the social, makes it possible to analyse intervention strategies in the urban territory, from an approach that challenges the modern capitalist notion of development.
From this position, conceptions and practices imposed by the dominant culture are reviewed.
The search for a paradigm from which to propose another management strategy, applied to the case of Resistencia, stresses the foundational urban logic and the mercantilist management that was imposed on the conditions of water vulnerability, and challenges it in a resilient key, aimed at achieving ways more balanced and equitable environmental and social occupation.

The clothing industry in the urbanocene. Presentation of two biodesign projects to reduce its environmental impact
Lorena Bonilla y Thomas Massin


This article proposes to consider the clothing industry as a constituent part of the acceleration of global urbanisation since the 1950s, participating in the spread and consolidation of a planetary urban condition and giving rise to the Urbanocene period. The production and consumption logics of this activity are harmful to the environment (gas emissions, overuse of water, water pollution) and are deployed on a global scale. It is therefore necessary to understand the global functioning of the chain in order to think of sustainable alternatives. Among them, we emphasise a project that relies on biodesign and the use of microalgae.

General thematic articles

Towards a transmodern professional role
Juan Santiago Palero


This article summarizes three questions Architecture must address during the twenty-first century. Those challenges enable a critical review of the professional role. The first step of this research is revisiting those modern aspects that shaped the origin of the professional role in architecture. Secondly, the text focuses on the critics of the modern professional role initiated by postmodern authors during the second half of the twentieth century. Third, this article discusses modern characteristics abandoned by postmodern critic that can be helpful in order to face the challenges of the twenty-first century. Far from dismissing the whole postmodern critic, this text tries to recognize its true legacy for a new professional role than can address the challenges spotted. Finally, as a result of this theoretical analysis, the article suggests three practical ways to contribute on a new combination of modern and postmodern features. This new professional role proposed learns from both, modernity and postmodernity, therefore it is considered as a transmodern professional role in Architecture.

“A wide river, full of islands”. The strength of an insular landscape
Patricia Beatriz Mines y Andrea de los Milagros Galarza


To inhabit the Paraná River flood valley, in the midst of a privileged nature, is now presented as one of the most challenging scenarios where both occupational and tension nature-culture result inevitable. The complexity of the horizon needs creative dimensions. This work considers sustainable development, as a process of qualitative multidimensional display of potentialities that involve cultural landscape valuation with heritage like a resource for the development; and it present the insular condition like territorial force in the natural matrix, the transformation, and the persistence in project criteria.

Multi-criteria analysis as a tool for the selection of waste treatment alternatives. The Cañuelas case, Buenos Aires
Santiago Rodríguez Alonso


Waste management in medium-scale municipalities (50 thousand to 200 thousand inhabitants) of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires is carried out informally. In this work it is proposed to study and select alternatives for the treatment and final disposal of waste through a multi-criteria analysis, taking into account social, political, economic and environmental criteria.
From the available alternatives, the mentioned criteria and the surveys and interviews carried out, the Analytic Hierarchy Process was carried out, which proved to be a tool capable of evaluating various alternatives in relation to numerous criteria, with complex variables to compare as occurs in waste management.

Accessibility to architectural heritage in urban contexts: actions and strategies to promote more inclusive cultural spaces in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina
Estefanía Slavin


Both physical, sensorial, intellectual and communicational accessibility, as well as cultural heritage, are internationally recognized human rights. However, guaranteeing accessibility in protected buildings is complex; either due to the very nature of the assets, due to contradictions or gaps in the regulatory frameworks, due to the lack of a transversal rights approach in vocational training, or due to particular economic or political issues. Initiating actions that allow the full and equal participation of all people in urban life means achieving more friendly and inclusive spaces (and societies). This article proposes to meditate on this issue and share an experience of public policy, in the city of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina with actions oriented in this sense.

Community territorial organization. common experiences inhabiting “El Montecito” from serranas epistemo-esthesis in Argentina
Emiliana Martina y Joaquín Ulises Deon


This article makes visible the community ordering of the territory, from the affective, from defending the territory with collective, self-managed use, analysing urban experiences intertwined with the Bosque Chaqueño Serrano, with the water basins and with the semi-aridity of the argentine mediterranean lands, to the west of the Sierras Chicas, in the province of Córdoba. Some of the cases (Capilla del Monte, Charbonier, San Marcos) are located on the eastern slope in the corridor of the Valle de Punilla and others (Río Ceballos, Salsipuedes, Agua de Oro, Villa Cerro Azul) on the western slope in the corridor of the Sierras Chicas. However, the case that is presented is of interest in a focused way due to its particular characteristics related to environmental affectivity as the starting point of the territoriality of the community. In a special way, the analysis of the process of collective living in the neighbourhood Villa Parque San Jorge de Cosquín will be deepened, with the aim of understanding the importance that the urbanization processes of the Córdoba mountains have taken and the territorial relations that are interwoven between different territories.


Color for Architects. Juan Serra Lluch. 2019

Everything architects always wanted to know about color (but were afraid to ask)
José Luis Caivano