MAY 2024 / OCTOBER 2024

Director: Dr. David Dal Castello
Editor: Dra. María Ledesma
Coeditor: DG. Miguel A. Santángelo
Technical editor: DG. Emiliano M. Eseiza

© The contents and metadata of this magazine are licensed under Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 AR
DNDA registration of the digital edition in process


General thematic articles

Shared knowledge and participatory design processes in the Western Chaco. Salta, Argentina
Joaquín Trillo, Catalina Lucía Agudin, Malena Pasin y Mercedes Ceciaga


The transfer of technologies promoted by development programs does not usually contemplate the solutions of form and function with which the Wichi communities of the Gran Chaco give meaning to their architectures. Contents and designs promoted from a centralized management of decisions are implemented by agencies capable of influencing policies that disregard the conditions of the place and the trajectories of the peoples on which they act. By examining the appropriations and resignifications deployed by local populations on these interventions, we will review different theoretical guidelines that from Latin American critical thought propose the need to question the principles of global modernity towards alternatives where the point of origin is found in subaltern knowledge. Within this framework, the work explores the logics of the social construction of the habitat through participatory design processes that allow to elevate the communities from recipients to creators of their own decisions.


Teaching the architecture of yesterday: a radical cartography as a response to today’s challenges
Julio Cavallo