Lastest issue



María Ledesma

Design and loss systematization
Carlos Carpintero


  • Debates, Dilemmas and Challenges of Urban Management [abstract]
    David Kullock
  • Planning in Argentina at the Beginning of the XXI Century [abstract]
    Mariana Schweitzer, Silvina Carrizo, Marisa Scardino, Santiago Petrocelli,
    Pablo Schweitzer & María Laura Carena
  • New Settings or New Villas? Technical Scientific Denominations and State Policies. The Playón de Fraga, City of Buenos Aires. 2014-2016 [abstract]
    Verónica Paiva
  • Building a Map of the Environmental Risk Condition [abstract]
    Diana De Pietri, Patricia Dietrich, Alejandro Carcagno, Ernesto de Titto & María Adela Igarzabal
  • Particularities of the Woodland and the Irrigation in the City of Mendoza from a Systemic Look [abstract]
    María Cecilia Domizio
  • La Plata: The Last Planned Argentine City before the Automobile [abstract]
    Andrés Muñoz
  • Design and complexity: The expansion of Design as a field [abstract]
    Mariana Pittaluga
  • Does Serial Design Exist? [abstract]
    Fernando Fraenza 
  • Between the Wall and the Space. Forms of Cultural Hybridization in the Work of Juvenal Baracco [abstract]
    Octavio Montestruque Bisso Martín Fabbri García
  • Guidelines for an Architecture of the Future. Reyner Banham and the Technology for a Well-Tempered Environment [abstract]
    Cecilia Parera
  • The Photographic Record for the Study of Teaching Practices in the University. From Illustration to Discovery [abstract]
    Gabriela Augustowsky
  • Inspiration, Influences and Copying in Industrial Design. Analysis of a Subject: The Chair [abstract]
    Ricardo Blanco

Book reviews
Ferrocarriles británicos de la época victoriana: un álbum fotográfico de arquitecturas perdidas y una reflexión sobre el patrimonio existente en la Argentina
María Alejandra Saus

La privatopía sacrílega
Daniela Szajnberg

About the authors


Debates, Dilemmas and Challenges of Urban Management

Supported by the subtitle of AREA (“reflection agenda…”), in this article we try to think about a question, already classic because it was formulated more than half century ago, but it´s in fact still valid. It is referred to the shifts in the professional work on urban and development planning, known by several denominations (Urban Planning, Strategic Planning, Environmental Management, etc.) reflecting, not by coincidence, the tensions and the discussions cause by the subject.
Because the complexity involved in discussing on urban issues, the approach consists in revisiting the debates on the crisis of Urban Planning, the dilemmas that for his perfection y/o substitution was formulated and the principal challenges implied for the reconstruction of a work that, more than professional, is of social nature, in order to optimize our urban environment, where lives 90% of the population of our country.

Urban Planning, Strategic Planning, Environmental Management, Participative Planning, Urban Projects [Back]


Planning in Argentina at the Beginning of the XXI Century

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Argentine State restarted a stage of territorial planning and its strategic economic activities as a political-technical process that took shape, not only from the modification of the institutional organization chart and the creation of state enterprises, but also recovering the design of strategic plans. Understanding planning as a technical process linked to the fulfillment of political objectives, this article analyzes the national strategic plans elaborated since 2003 and the proposals included for their concretion, both in terms of management and in the definition of concrete projects for the territories.

Strategic Plans, State, Public Policy, Argentina [Back]


The article aims to describe the characteristics of the New Urban Settlements (NUS) of the City of Buenos Aires. The NUS are a new form of precarious habitat emerged in the city of Buenos Aires in the 1990 that have been studied so far. The article reviews the peculiarities of the NUS that have been highlighted by ones that had studied the NUS and advance on the analysis of other features such as the people who inhabit these settlements, their housing strategies, their residential trajectories that are one of the principal issues that characterizes these new settlements and differentiates it from other precarious habitat, in addition to the way in which scientific denominations influence the practices of the state.

Urban Settlements, Urban Poverty, Ciudad de Buenos Aires [Back]


To model and integrate land uses based on their environmental sustainability, multicriteria evaluation techniques were applied in the environment of the EMC/GIS geographical information systems.
In this context, the proposed spatial model facilitates the structuring of data analysis. The criterion of the analysis is to consider the characteristics of the environment whose alteration may have an impact on human health.
The operative procedure consists of: 1) describing the landuses of the territory according to its potential environmental impact with health impact; 2) establish a representative scale for their weighting and 3) build a spatial model of sustainable environments.
The resulting environmental sustainability map gives an account of the quality of life of the population; reflects demographic heterogeneity; and variations in the health of the population.

Multi-criteria Evaluation, Geographic Information Systems, Land Use, Environmental Sustainability [Back]


In the city of Mendoza, the grove of street and his bordering irrigation ditch are essential on having contributed human well-being in a natural semidesert way. But lately the environmental function that those offer is problematic, whose complexity cannot be analytically approached. Because of it, the present work studies the urban Woodland of Mendoza under a systemic approach, which allows to catch the totaly of the problem and his particularities in every sector, considering the relations between his principal components: tree, irrigation, society and environment. This way it is possible to detect successes and problems in the functioning of the wooded urban system, which changes need in the society.

Woodland, Irrigation, Company, Urban System [Back]


The city of La Plata, conceived and materialized in record time, emblematic case of good management par excellence, has remained for a long time immune to the ups and downs produced by the irruption of the automobile. A series of planning considerations that did not take into account this factor has collaborated in this situation. Rescuing and evidencing those unprecedented forecasts, not only will the city project be revalued and will show its differences with other cities of the country, but it also will be constituted in test case of the still little explored incidence of the car in the architecture and the inhabit of Argentina.

Automobiles, Urban Mobility, Urban Planning [Back]


If Design as we know it today is modernity’s child, has the modernity-postmodernity debate influenced the discourses of this discipline? Is its field reconfigured and expanded? Is this expansion contained in modern precepts, or could we think of it in the light of new theories such as complexity? These are some of the questions which motivated the reflection that we intend to do in this regard.

Design; Complexity; Field; Modernity; Postmodernity [Back]


In this article we ask for the usefulness of the concept of series, originated in the field of music of the twentieth century, from Arnold Schönberg, to designate an epistemological attitude shared or experienced by the design; if we consider it not only as a professional practice, but as a theoretical practice (as part of a science of the artificial) in its phase or stage of greater self-awareness. We will understand this serial attitude, as an element of the type of knowledge that the act of design itself can produce, on the world and on itself.

Serialism, Structuralism, Design Theory [Back]


For Latin America, the 80s was a moment of cultural changes between the national and the western. In the Peruvian case, the migration from the countryside to the city generates a double cultural process that complicates the question about our identity. In this context Juvenal Baracco with the design course at the Ricardo Palma University, and his work as a designer explores the national identity with Works such as the Air Force Officers School, which shows a complex cultural syncretism between a Western modernity, an Andean worldview and an urban and desertic territory.
Although art, sociology, or anthropology have studied this process, Architecture has been at the margin reaffirming a foreign Western vocation, using superficially some symbolic or iconographic aspects. This article studies the elements of cultural hybridization in the work of Juvenal Baracco through the analysis of the Air Force Officers School of 1981.

Juvenal Baracco, Hybridization, Syncretism, Cosmovision, Identity [Back]


In recent years, an important segment of the architectural debate has focused on the relationship between architecture and technology, particularly reviewing the readings related to the incorporation of innovations in the twentieth century. In this interpretative context, it is possible to identify the innovative character of one of the most controversial texts of the 1960s, The architecture of the well-tempered environment, in which Reyner Banham questioned the canonical interpretations of history of architecture by ignoring technology as a factor of change. This article seeks to understand the complex network of circumstances that marked its ideas, as well as the deep debate generated after its publication.

History of architecture, Reyner Banham, Technology [Back]


This article explores the use of photography in the research of teaching at the university. For this, presents briefly the main traditions in social research and analyzes the value of the photographic record in contexts of discovery and construction of knowledge. It exposes two lines of work that use photography in their investigations: the research based on arts and the photographic registry for the study of the practices in the university classrooms. Finally, it is posed some questions and challenges that arise from the incorporation of photography in research.

Photographic Record, University Education, Research, Discovery Contexts [Back]


An analytical and critical revision of several examples of contemporary chair design, allows imagining a projectual sequence that, starting from certain conceptual premises emerging from the ideology of the modem movement –”less is more”–, permits us to find how projects of different designers are related. To suggest that there was copying would be a simplification, but the existence of influences cannot be avoided; perhaps, it may be considered as sequential thought, because the same projectual arguments are used. The names of Stam, Breuer, Mies, Rietveld, Panton, Coppola and Wewerka, follow one each other as part of the same project: the search for the formal, technical and expressive synthesis.

Insight, Influence, Chair, Industrial Design, Plagiarism [Back]